Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This is my friend mommy...

I don't know where he gets this stuff, but I love it:) I think it's amazing...and scary...how much our kids learn from us and develop their own behaviors and speech patterns based on what they observe.
But I do have these moments when Malachi does something - and I have absolutely no idea where it came from! Here's the latest one: he has started referring to me as 'his friend mommy' and Aaron as 'his friend daddy.' So every morning when I get him out of bed one of his first questions is "where'd my friend daddy go??" And it makes my heart smile! I take my role as a parent very seriously, and I consider it much more important to be his parent than his friend...but if he chooses to see me as 'his friend mommy,' I am completely okay with that:)
Well the Leichner household has some exciting news - we're moving!! We have been blessed with an incredible house and our closing date is set for March 18th - I can't wait! There will be plenty of pictures to come. The house is in Valley Center and amazingly Aaron has come to terms with living in enemy territory:) I guess the right house will do that for you! I haven't even begun to pack...not exactly sure when or how to get started. Do you wait until the last minute so you don't have to live out of boxes any longer than necessary? Or is it better to start boxing things up now and not procrastinate? I welcome any thoughts and advice!
Now it's time for another installment of all things done by Malachi. Here goes:
  • You are very independent. If Aaron or I pick you up off of the couch you'll immediately run back to it, climb up on it and proceed to then climb down yourself while saying "I can do it all myself!"
  • You like oysters. Yep. Oysters. I came home from work last Tuesday night and your dad tell me that you had a spinach salad and then oysters for dinner - and loved it. Whaaat?
  • You finally have your colors down!
  • You have learned how to barter - Grandma Susie gave you your first coin bank and you love it! But you found our stash of loose change and I'll catch you (repeatedly) with a fistful of coins. When I say that you can only have 2 coins, you say "How 'bout 5 coins mommy?" I'll go up to 3, you stay at 5 and it goes on for awhile. You usually end up getting 3 - I'm so tough...
  • You learned how to swim on your back in the bathtub and love it. Except you talk really loud when your ears are under water.
  • You like American Idol.
  • You are the ultimate backseat driver. If we're coming up to a red light you go "The light is red! It's red mommy! We have to STOP WE HAVE TO STOP!!!" And if it's green you say "It's green mommy we can gooooo!!!!!" Multiply this by a dozen and that's a typical car ride with you.
  • You love running. Or 'zooming' as we call it.
  • Your dad is teaching you how to do back flips and it makes you laugh so hard - I love it.

Man I am not good at editing these lists! I could go on and on! ::sigh::

Here's a few pics from the past couple of weeks:

My boys on on of the many snow days:)

Malachi fell asleep on the way to our realtor's office so we laid him down and wrapped him up on her floor and he slept that way the entire time...must be nice...

Trying on dad's Packer's superbowl champs hat:)

Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

Krista Hutton said...

Start packing gradually. It's super annoying to have to live with boxes lying around, but much better to have a good start on the stuff you don't use very often and save to essentials until last minute. Start with things you don't need or use, movies, cds, extra towels, ect. Then just gradually work your way through the house:) Can't wait to see the new place.....don't forget, my offer to help still stands. With both packing and unpacking.....I'm a mean unpacker:)