Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Go Fish!

I love watching Aaron and Malachi together:)  Aaron is such an amazing dad and it is so apparent to me how much little boys need their dads.  Over the last couple of summers Malachi has LOVED going fishing!  He started out with a kids fishing pole, no real hook and got to where he could cast it easily.  So we upgraded him to a full size fishing pole and he and his dad spent many evenings this summer fishing together.  At this point the closest Malachi will get to a fish is touching it with one finger and saying "Nice catchin' ya!"  Oh but he's definitely not afraid of worms.

I have to point out in this video that I noticed Malachi's buff shoulders and when I showed Aaron I thought his grin might break his face:)  Like father like son!  Is it bad that at 2 1/2 yrs old I'm legitimately afraid of Malachi's tackles??  Oh the fun to come...

On another note here's a conversation Malachi and I had yesterday.  To set the scene I was packing my lunch for work and Malachi was playing with some puzzles in his little brother's room.
Me: "Hey Malachi it's almost time to leave for Grandma's!  Can you please pick up your puzzles before we go?"
Malachi: "No!"
Me: "Bub you don't tell me no, please pick up your puzzles."
Malachi: "I don't want to."
- at this point I walk into the room and find Malachi laying flat on his back, arms and legs all stretched out -
Me: "Hey Bub let's go ahead and pick up your puzzles please."
Malachi: "No thanks, I really don't want to."
Me: "Let's do it together like a team - I'll help you!"
Malachi: "Okay mom, why don't you go ahead and start and I'll watch."
Me (laughing): "No I don't think so bub"
Malachi: "It's okay Mom, you go ahead I'll be there in a minute."
Me: (still laughing) "Nice try Bub."

Thankfully he did end up picking up his puzzles - please tell me I'm not the only one who has this kind of conversation with their toddler??  If only I was better at keeping a straight face...


markl said...

Yeah, you'd better work on that straight face technique. Because he sure won't get that from his Gramma Bubba and Grandpa Mark!

markl said...

Great post, btw - thanks so much for sharing! Love you!

Karen Strawder said...

too funny, but work on the straight face!